The best predictor of college success is college success.
In Early College, high school students take strategically-sequenced, real college classes with strong career orientations during their regular high school day, at no cost to themselves or their families. They receive enhanced academic and guidance support to ensure that they thrive in the rigorous college coursework and in the unfamiliar, sometimes daunting, college environment. They graduate from high school with significant college credits, reducing the cost and time to degree completion. And they graduate with the proven confidence, habits, and skills needed to be successful in college and career.
National gold standard evaluations show that Early College works.
Percentage of Students Earning A Postsecondary Degree
Massachusetts Early College Initiative Outcomes
The state’s education leaders are committed to collecting and analyzing data to ensure Early College remains an evidence-driven initiative in Massachusetts. Early evidence shows that these programs are driving similar outcomes in the Commonwealth. The MA Early College Initiative is young, yet early outcomes in promising postsecondary predictors are strong.
Using well-controlled matched-pair methodology, Early College produces significant gains in college matriculation and persistence.
Early College Program Design
In Massachusetts, the majority of Early College programs exist within large, comprehensive district high schools. While exact program design varies depending on the program, these are common design elements, aligned to the state designation.
In Early College programs, student independence and immersion in the college experience typically increases by grade level.
The Massachusetts Early College Initiative
Since 2017, the Early College Joint Committee has approved 55 designated Early College programs across 62 high schools and 28 higher education institutions. Students have access to designated Early College in 73% of Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities and 6 out of 7 WIOA regions.